I can support my mother and my community


Precious Kantande

Stove Builder

Meet Precious Kantande, 25 years old and married to Atupele Chikopa. He is one of our outstanding stove builders and the father to two children - Miracle and Glitter.

Precious told us that he likes working for Mbedza Projects Support because the monthly review meetings give him a chance to 'voice out the goodness and the challenges they face during their work.'

Precious said that he has benefitted because the employment gives him security and a salary. 

As a result of this he has been able to engage in integrated farming - 'I saved some money to build a fish pond and can sell fish at a profit. 

have also used my earnings to buy goats (I have 7), ducks, chickens, doves and start rabbit farming. I was motivated by the tree project to plant my own fruit trees - pawpaw, guavas and peaches. I also have a vegetable garden.

Finally working for MPS 'has brought a life full of happiness and joy with my dreams coming true. I am able to support my mother on a monthly basis and my community by providing ducks.'



Easter Visit 2019


Thank you for uplifting my life