Garden Party Success

On 8 June 2024, on the edge of Brussels Belgium, we held a Garden Party in aid of our community health centre.

The event, hosted by the Malawi Ambassador to the EU and Belgium, Dr Naomi Ngwira, raised €3000/£2550 for our community health interventions in Songani, Malawi.

We were blessed with perfect weather, and people came out and spent generously in support of our cause.

The event featured a popular tombola, and a variety of Malawi crafts and books were available for purchase. Guests enjoyed guessing the weight of a cake or the number of sweets in a jar, adding to the day's excitement. There was even Malawian food on offer.

Ambassador Dr Naomi Ngwira and Libby Gitenstein, wife of the United States Ambassador to the European Union.

The Ambassador gave a speech of encouragement, as did Nina Gunde (Deputy-Director of Mbedza Malawi and on a visit to Brussels especially for this occasion), and Mike Cook (Chair of the Board of Mbedza UK).

Our thanks go to Ambassador Ngwira for letting us use her lovely garden, to the staff of the Brussels Embassy of Malawi, and not least to Sue Bird and her team of volunteers who so diligently prepared and ran everything!




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