HIV Outreach
Our HIV testing outreach is crucial in reaching those living in more remote areas with limited access to health facilities. Every week our counselors, Bainatu and Fyson, visit communities as far away as 50km from our Songani center, allowing community members to access HIV testing and counseling services within their villages.
The counselors complete with their tent for added privacy, collaborate with the local chiefs to mobilize the community, encouraging them to access the testing and counseling services. On arrival a quick lap of the village, complete with megaphone ensures their presence is known and helps to draw those out who wish to be tested.
Last week the team visited Chilimani village in Sakata area where they were able to test 38 people. It was a successful day with a lot of young people coming for testing and the team were able to distribute over 200 condoms helping to encourage safe practices. The community was very happy.