This project always creates smiles
The name Evelyn Chilunga is not new to Mbedza as she is one of the community from Mkwama village who received an Esperanza stove. From the very start she has shown how grateful and happy she is.
Evelyn from Mkamwa.
Stoves in Mkamwa village were built in April 2024, and on the 17th of April, the team which includes monitoring officers and communications visited the houses that benefited from the project and Evelyn's house was included. She couldn’t express her gratitude for the stoves because she was overwhelmed with happiness. In her words she expressed that now she will be able to save firewood as the stoves uses less firewood than traditional cooking methods. 43 houses benefited from the project in April 2024, all thanks to our donors from Christmas Big Give 2023.
On 30th August 2024, the team including 1 stove builder Godfrey Chipeta also visited Mkamwa village to finish building the remaining 17 houses that were missed in April, and whilst in the village the team managed to pass by Evelyn’s house to see if the stove was being used, it was!
Evelyn's stove in action.
Patricia from Kamwaza village
In June 2024 one small village received Esperanza stoves. Kamwaza village is located near Namilongo Primary School as you are going to Mbedza river. It is a small village but from a distance it looks like a large settlement because the houses are dispersed. On a recent visit our monitoring officers heard the same song that celebrated the fact that the stove requires less firewood, it cooks more quickly than traditional cooking on three stones (Mafuwa) and also the stove retains the heat after cooking . Patricia Nani (24years), Zaidi Edge and Mbichi Kachule aged 50, are recipients who couldn’t wait to start using the stoves.
Zaidi from Kamwaza village
Mbichi said that after cooking on the stove she appreciated using less firewood, there was no smoke and no dirty pots after cooking. She and others expressed their happiness to Mbedza for the stoves as they had been waiting for a long time because their neighboring villages already benefited They were told about the goodness of the Esperanza and they eagerly awaited experiencing it for themselves.
Mbichi from Kamwaza village