Join our spectacular garden party hosted by Her Excellency Dr Naomi Ngwira, Ambassador of Malawi for Belgium and the EU.

Enjoy good food, drinks, music and more!

We’ll be fundraising for the Songani Hope and Wellness Centre in Malawi, which provides free HIV testing and counselling for over 200 people per month.

You’re invited!


Play your part

On Saturday 8 June 2024, Sue Bird, Associate Director of Mbedza and the Songani Centre, is hosting a fundraising bash to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Songani Hope & Wellness Community Centre. And you’re invited!

What you can expect:

  • Malawian and European food and drinks for sale.

  • A tombola with fabulous prizes.

  • A selection of used books at our book stand.

  • Find the perfect gift at our hand-made Malawian crafts table.

  • Bouncy castle, and other games for children.


Residence of the Ambassador of Malawi,
3 Avenue de l’Orée, 1640 Rhode St Genèse, Belgium


Saturday 8 June 2024 from 14:00 – 17:00

Don't miss a fun afternoon out for all your family and friends.

All tickets include a free snack (sweet or savoury).

All proceeds from this event will go towards the running/operations of the Songani Hope & Wellness Centre. 


In 2015, Sue Bird had a dream.

She'd been working at the European Commission in Brussels since 1989.

Her roles promoted funding for less developed regions and policies for the underprivileged in society.

But she wanted to do more.

“I knew that I could not do much to change the systems of this world which maintain the gap between the rich and the poor", Sue told us.

"So, the obvious thing for me was to make a social investment somewhere in the world which would contribute to the lives of others.”

Sue decided she'd invest in a building. But a building for what? This wasn't yet clear.

The opening ceremony from the sky

She began to put money aside for her so called ‘retirement project’. But even though she wouldn’t retire until 2021, she couldn’t stop thinking about it...

As fate would have it, while on holiday in the south of France, Sue found the opportunity she'd been longing for.

A chance meeting with an Anglican chaplain put her in touch with the UK charity, Mbedza, who were already doing great work in Malawi. 

Fast forward to 2019, when an exuberant Sue cut the ribbon to mark the official opening of the new purpose built community centre in Songani, Malawi.

With over 150 people dancing and singing. It was a huge celebration! 

Little did she know then that this building would change the lives of thousands of Malawians.

Sue at the official opening of the new building

Learn more about the Songani Hope & Wellness Centre

A purpose-built community centre in Malawi, with the aim of empowering individuals and families to improve their health and well-being.

Join the celebration

Come celebrate this special day with us, and the impact the Centre has had on so many Malawian men, women and children.