Peatry and Nina visit the UK in June
Peatry Ntodwa, Malawi Director
Nina Gunde, Deputy Director
We are excited to announce that Peatry and Nina will be visiting the UK and Brussels this June. We do hope that many of you will have opportunity to meet them.
Their itinerary includes visits to Stafford, Brussels, London, Tunbridge Wells, York, Driffield, Normanton and Nottingham. Some presentations to be aware of are:
Saturday 8th June - Brussels Garden Party - click here to find out more and book tickets.
Tuesday 11th June - if you are in or near London and would lke to meet Peatry and Nina for coffee send us a message - ‘’
Tuesday 18th June - 6pm, Manor CE Academy, York. YO26 6PA.
Wednesday 19th June - a social event at a York Pub. (contact ‘’ for more info)
Thursday 20th June - 7pm, Driffield Parish Church. YO25 6ST.
Sunday 23rd June - St Barnabas Church, Nottingham, 10am. NG9 2SN.
The presentations will include the latest updates about our work in Malawi.
Peatry and Nina will also be holding several meetings with many of our current donors and providing feedback. These include Brussels Womens Club, Holy Trinity Brussels, 4Most, Spa Communications, Driffield Junior School, and our Chiyambi Nursery supporters.
If you need any more information please contact ‘’