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Peatry and Nina visit the UK in June
Our Malawian Director and Deputy-Director are heading to Europe. Will you be there?
Inflation creates huge challenges
Student surprised by a gift of a bike. Esnart was overwhelmed with joy.
Julian’s visit September 2023
In September Mbedza CEO & DIrector, Julian, returned from a four week visit to Malawi where he had the opportunity to visit all our Mbedza projects and catch up with our staff.
Hannah and Emma’s fundraising tombola
A big thankyou to Hannah and Emma who have raised a whopping £1070 for Mbedza!
Carol’s visit to Malawi
This was a truly amazing trip and I was so glad to have experienced Malawi this way.
HIV Testing in Malawi: Bainatu's Door-to-Door Approach
In the midst of a cyclone crisis in Malawi, HIV counselor Bainatu found a way to continue her important work.
Safer Stoves for Safer Communities: George's Story
After suffering burns at the age of two, his family lived with the fear of another accident.
Exploring Malawi: A Journey of Partnership and Impact with Manor Academy
Our partnership with Manor Academy has enabled us to provide essential services to the local community in Malawi and we're thrilled to have a group of their students joining us on an upcoming trip to see our work in action and explore the country.
A Transformative Journey to the north
The team visited three organisations with similar projects to our own…
I am eternally grateful to Mbedza and all the sponsors
“Life was tough until my grandparents took me in…”
Library reopening met with delight from the community
“During the holiday it was very hard for me to access books which made it very challenging.”
Sporting Success for the Hope Ambassadors
There was joyous dancing as our Hope Ambassadors made Mbedza proud at an end of year sports tournament organised by The Sparkle Foundation
Youth group end of year party
As the year is coming to an end, our Hope Ambassadors were thrilled to take part in an end of year event.
The Big Give Raises £4200
Thank you! With your help we hit our target and raised a whopping £4200!
World Aids Day
Whilst the prevalence of HIV in Malawi is falling it still has one of the the highest in the world, with 8.1% of the adult population (aged 15-49) living with HIV.
Bekah's Volunteering Experience
“After a lovely evening I welcomed a good nights sleep and consequently, learnt my first lesson in Malawian culture.”
My Gap Project … fuelled a fire that has lead me to this point
That summer, I grew to love Malawi as a country and felt so at home. I learnt so much about what it meant to be a small charity working with communities struck by poverty - and how small changes can make a world of difference.